Monday, July 15, 2013

Today I Start....

I've been known to be a starter in my life... and rarely a finisher. I've often wondered why this is the case.
For instance... I start a menu plan, make the grocery list, but don't make it to the store. I start a summer project with the girls, even get out the paper, paint and markers, but never get around to finishing it. I get the big idea in my head to decorate a room so I paint it and NEVER get anything up on the walls. I start cleaning my office so I can start planning to get started in my business, but I never get past filing the paper work (which rarely gets done). I start a book and even LOVE the book, but never finish. Why? My home is a world of U.F.O's (UnFinished Objects!)

I START everything... and NEVER finish. Never. Like ever. Ask Joel (my amazing husband who puts up with it always and tries encouraging me to start again). From organizing & cleaning, decorating & crafting, eating (well, I finish my plate always... but never finish a menu plan!) & business planning.

I'm telling you all this because starting today, I start - - AND FINISH!

I'm going to be using this little corner of the internet to hold me accountable for MANY things in my life. I want to be a finisher! I want to be in control of my time! I want to feel accomplished!

I have been incredibly blessed with success in relationships, business & well, life without putting much effort into it. Today I start. Today I start a new, DISCIPLINED life.

I have so many goals & plans.

I'm committing today to blog EVERYDAY for 1 full year! I have no 'plan' on what I'll be writing about but I do want this to be a journal of my everyday life. By writing here everyday, I will be disciplined to FINISH something. I will be holding myself accountable to be a finisher. I'll be needing something to write about daily so I need to make every day count. I'm praying this will make me a better child of God, wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, aunt, Scentsy consultant and leader.... and the many other hats I wear.

Thanks for joining me on this journey.



  1. Oh my goodness! I know you are going to be incredibly blessed by this! It is a huge challenge, but you will be so glad you did it!
    Even tonight, I turned to Brian after writing, and said, "see I'm so glad that I wrote about this tonight so that I can remember it forever!"
    I am so proud of you!

  2. Good luck Jari! You can do it!

  3. Are you sure you weren't writing about me? Lol good luck with this I think it is fantastic. Who knows I might have to challenge myself to something similar. I do know one thing I will definitely follow youown your adventure :)
