Saturday, July 20, 2013

Are You Comfortable?

I've been hearing this word for a long time.... like 3 years.
Comfortable. What does that mean to you?
For me, it seems like for the most part I have lead a pretty 'comfortable' life.

What is comfortable? I mean I have good health, a handsome hubby, 3 lovely girls, a beautiful home in the mountains, 2 great cars, even a snuggly dog. We go to church every Sunday, our kids play sports. Joel has a good paying job and our Scentsy Family business is growing like crazy. We home school our kids, volunteer whenever we can, paint our toenails every weekend. We have food in our pantry, take walks in our neighborhood and love spending time with our family and friends.

That, I would say, is pretty 'comfortable.'

But lately, I've been hearing "Time to get UNcomfortable." I don't know exactly what is coming... but I do know that it is time. It's time. I've even felt physical pains in my being that it needs to happen now.

I want to live an EXTRAordinary life. I want to make a difference in the Kingdom of God. I want to have such a solid foundation with my feet firmly planted on The Rock that I start getting 'comfortable being uncomfortable.'

It's time to get life right. I've been lazy. I've been too easily influenced into doing what others are doing even when it's not the right thing or the right time for me. I've been too easily enabled to make crappy decisions - - with my health, finances, etc.

I saw this video when a friend showed it to us about 3 years ago. I've thought about it often but for some reason, it's all I can think about the last few days. I want to do something crazy. But it all starts with baby steps.
Make The Lord our first priority.
Tend to and care for my husband - Love and serve him everyday.
Show our girls the way the should go - be a good example for them, in EVERYTHING I do.
Get out of debt so that we can GIVE MORE.

Those are my baby steps. This will lead to something CRAZY. Something CRAZY that I am suppose to do. Someone CRAZY that I'm suppose to be.

What about you? Did this video do something to you like it did to me?!?


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