Monday, July 22, 2013

I Love You More Than Ever....

I never knew being a wife and mom would bring so much joy, laughter, heartache and tears. (Sounds like a country song)

Heartache - Many days we get lost in the hum drum of life.... That makes my heart ache. Like all the days just blur together and the only thing that changes is the clothes on our back. When looking back, I know that I missed out on many teachable moments because I was too consumed in the daily living. Laundry, dishes, cooking and diaper changing. 

Laughter - It's the little moments that mean the most to me as a mom. It's the funny little things the girls do. For instance, randomly I asked them "When you think of the olden days, what pops into your head?" Arly replied "Big hair and bangs with blue eye shadow and side pony tails!" - - YES! She did just say that... and I'm obviously VERY happy that I missed that stage in life! However, for those of you reading who 'like totally' took part in that fashion... you aren't THAT old! ;)

Joy - When I see the girls accomplish something, I experience complete joy. Whether it's Arly learning a new song on the piano, Alyn finally getting the beat and snap clap of 'Cups' or Avin learning to pick up her finger food and put it in her mouth. I'm blessed to be their mama and really need to start looking for these moments more. 

Tears - I get so frustrated when I am not the person that I know God designed me to be. I get lazy. I get too emotional and you know what happens when a girl is overly emotional.... yep, yells at everyone and just cries. It's hard being a good wife all the time. I've had to say I'm sorry countless times because I'm pigheaded.

I don't know where this is going other than I truly am learning how to LOVE MORE each and every day. Every day I am capable of loving more because of a God who loves me. For that I am thankful.

Note: The family photo above is the only family photo I have of us other than the day little Avin was born - and I wasn't lookin' the prettiest that day. Well, I'm not lookin' that pretty today either but everyone else in my family makes this photo perfect. 

PS. Jessie, it's time for a photo session :)


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