Thursday, July 18, 2013

I Believe In Miracles

Many of you know our story of how we grew our family.
Many of you do not.

I will tell you the story... but first, I want to tell you that EVERY child is a miracle of God.

I'm going to give you the short version and if you want me to go into detail, I can do that later.

When I was pregnant with our first baby, Arly, during the end I started having high levels of protein. Then came the high blood pressure. The last week of carrying her I had gain 14 pounds... YES, in ONE week! How is that even possible!??! One morning at work, all of a sudden, I couldn't see. My feet turned into icicles. I called Joel, he took me to the doctor and my blood pressure was something crazy like 200/120 (seriously... HIGH!) They induced me right then and there. Pre-eclampsia is nothing to mess with.

Two years later, I was ready to deliver Alyn. I had developed mild Toxemia... still high proteins and high-ish blood pressure. We induced about 2 weeks early and her delivery was super quick.

Now we were busy parents! Two sweet, healthy baby girls almost exactly two years apart!

During my 6 week check up after I had Alyn, they decided to check my protein post pregnancy. They found a TON of protein so then started my journey of seeing Internal Medicine doctors who advised us that we should be done having kiddos for fear that my kidneys couldn't keep up with the pregnancies.

Now that was a tough pill to swallow. In all honesty, I think we had decided already that we were done but you know when someone tells you that you can't or that you shouldn't makes you want to do it even more! Rebels... aren't we?!?

When we moved to MT from SD, I started seeing a nephrologist so we could take a closer look at what was really going on? Was this something that was pregnancy related? Did I just dump lots of proteins my whole life? The only time they check them is when you are pregnant. Anyway, I did lots of testing - first every 3 months, then every 6 months and then annually. They checked my kidneys by ultrasound and LOTS of blood work. They were always functioning well... but what's up with the super high levels of protein?!? We still don't know.....

What I do know is that during this transition in our lives, we learned about Jesus. We were saved and by His grace, I started to 'heal.' Wow! <---- a whole story for you later! :)

During my next visit, my protein levels started to decrease. After 2 years they were almost to the 'normal' range! I asked my OB/GYN if it would be ok if we could have another child and he said "I don't think so" He said it wouldn't be a good idea. I was crushed. I started to pray and pray and pray. I prayed that the Lord would bless us with another healthy child and that I would be healthy enough to carry, deliver and love my children forever.

I found a different doctor. I now have the most wonderful, friendly, Christ loving woman as my care provider! She is the most positive and laid back person and she was amazing! She prayed with us during our visits and right before delivery.

So yes, you guessed it, we were blessed by The Almighty Father and were given this sweet angel, Avin Janes.

She has forever changed our lives. She has us ALL wrapped around her chubby, stubby little fingers. We can't get enough of her. She was the easiest pregnancy for me and the delivery was great.

I know that life is only given by The Lord. I'm forever grateful that He chose us for the girls we have. I pray that He will continue to bless us with allowing us to have at least one more. He is perfect. And amazing. And miraculous. I believe in MIRACLES.

Speaking of miracles.... Look at sweet Elly Grace. My lovely friend gave birth to this miracle at 28 1/2 weeks on Tuesday. She is 2 lb 12 oz and doing great! God is AMAZING!
Please pray for her health and to grow quickly so she can go home! We love you Elly Grace!



  1. Hey girly!!! Love reading your blog everyday!! Again...made me tear up and cry! I love a happy cry ;)
    Thanks for sharing! Love you guys!
