Thursday, December 19, 2013

Relaxing Realizations

I guess it's been a couple of days since I've written here. Honestly, I have been in 100% relaxation mode!

We have been on a mini 'working' vacation... I say working because Joel had to travel for work this week and the girls and I just jumped in the car and went along for the fun. That is exactly what we were having... FUN! We even built a fort!

We spent the afternoon at our friend Kay's house to craft on Wednesday. See the goodies we made? The girls love spending time with 'Mama Kay' as they get to craft a little something every time.

The rest of the time, the girls and I pretty much have just hung out at the hotel. We got a suite this time so having the extra room proved very beneficial for a certain little one year old to take her 2 daily naps.

I dove into an incredible book yesterday and am almost finished today! Sparkly Green Earrings by Melanie Shankle is hilariously funny one moment and will bring a little quiet tear the next. Such a good read that I even skipped out on the nightly swimming session with family because I just couldn't put it down. (Truth be told, I had to force myself to write tonight because all I want to do is finish that book!)

It's amazing at how much a person can do when they are absent from the distractions of our every day life! I'm blown away at the girls and their ability to sit down and not only finish their school work in a very short amount of time, but really excel at it. They have finished their daily work in approximately 2 hours each day as opposed to the 5-6 hours it takes at home. The same amount of work, same difficulty... but I'm fairly positive there was a lack of "Alyn, please load the dishwasher. Arly, the dog needs fed. Can you watch Avin real quick while I switch laundry." And so many 'so ons' that I'm sure come out of my mouth almost every minute.

This week also brought on some deep conviction and evaluation of my life and heart. I am praying, planning and preparing for a new year that will be full of growth and action in a simplified way. I'm looking forward to a face lift... in all areas of my life. (Yeah, that kind of seems cliche typing it - but I'm ready to raise my standards for myself.) (I actually don't really need a face lift... but something else could be lifted.) (Did I just say that?!) (One more week of weaning and we are finished... CHEER & TEAR!)



  1. Hi jari, you don't know me but I was on jenna's scentsy team for a short time. I just wanted you to know that your blogs really inspire me, the way you're able to be so real, its amazing. I admire you. Let's start with this, when I first became your friend on fb I always saw a beautiful woman, amazing mom, scentsy guru and and woman of faith, and homeschooled her children wow wow wow! I say all that to say I was very impressed, enjoyed your posts and pictures, but always thought to myself she is so much better than me. While you are still all of the above mentioned things, you became an inspiration, a real person. With imperfections and flaws (not that they are really flaws you're amazing) you're so brave for for being real and vulnerable for people to see, I love your redirections and new focus. You have inspired me to have a new look on my life, and how I spend time with my children. Growing stronger in my faith with God. I have a lot of obstacles right now, but every time I read your blog it gives me a little more strength to keep moving forward. God is using you and it's amazing! Thank you so much for being real and vulnerable, for sharing your journey with me, for giving my inspiriation, for allowing me to see that its ok to take a step back and realize you need to make some changes. I thought you we're amazing before, but now I see that you are an inspiration. And I don't have to feel like anyone is better than me. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. Keeps the blogs coming. God bless you and you're amazing family.
    Kami Jones
    P.s sorry so long

  2. Hi jari, you don't know me but I was on jenna's scentsy team for a short time. I just wanted you to know that your blogs really inspire me, the way you're able to be so real, its amazing. I admire you. Let's start with this, when I first became your friend on fb I always saw a beautiful woman, amazing mom, scentsy guru and and woman of faith, and homeschooled her children wow wow wow! I say all that to say I was very impressed, enjoyed your posts and pictures, but always thought to myself she is so much better than me. While you are still all of the above mentioned things, you became an inspiration, a real person. With imperfections and flaws (not that they are really flaws you're amazing) you're so brave for for being real and vulnerable for people to see, I love your redirections and new focus. You have inspired me to have a new look on my life, and how I spend time with my children. Growing stronger in my faith with God. I have a lot of obstacles right now, but every time I read your blog it gives me a little more strength to keep moving forward. God is using you and it's amazing! Thank you so much for being real and vulnerable, for sharing your journey with me, for giving my inspiriation, for allowing me to see that its ok to take a step back and realize you need to make some changes. I thought you we're amazing before, but now I see that you are an inspiration. And I don't have to feel like anyone is better than me. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. Keeps the blogs coming. God bless you and you're amazing family.
    Kami Jones
    P.s sorry so long
