Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Advent DIY completed!

We finally for our Advent calendar up on display for the year. Because we were traveling the first 9 days of December, I'm feeling pretty good that I'm only two days behind schedule. (wink!)

I've told you before but I've never put together an Advent for the girls before so I was bound and determined to make, fill and do one this year. We WILL make memories... Or else!

This idea, almost cut and paste, came from Elsie's blog. Even the paper is designed by her and her beautiful sister Emma. 

*fun side fact: 4 1/2 years ago, I flew down to Springfield Missouri and met a group of blogging crafters in real life. It was so fun to get to know Elsie a little better for that week we were there. She has a crazy talented husband, Jeremy who put on a little intimate piano concert for us and we crafted and snacked our nights away at Elsie's loft. It was so intimidating meeting strangers all by myself, but I'll never forget that experience and the friendships we made. If you don't already, you should totally follow sweet Elsie's blog to see all of the DIYs that the ABM team come up with. Even ALL of my photo editing and collages come A Beautiful Mess App! Try it, you'll love it!

Whoa! Rabbit trail!

Anyway. Each day has an activity for the girls to do. These range anywhere from making gingerbread houses to skiing, to making Christmas crafts (I'll show you those as they come up) and random acts of kindness. With traveling over 2 full weeks this month, I had to really plan ahead and write down activities I knew we could do on the road or in the hotel. Sponsoring a kiddo from an Angel Tree, paying it forward to the car behind in a drive thru, and mail a Christmas package to Troops overseas made the list. 

The first thing we do each morning is open the envelope for today's date and read the bible scripture that is on the little strip of Kraft paper. 

I used Good Morning Girls Advent plan for our daily readings. We read it together and then talk about the verses. This is one of my favorite parts of our day. 

Do you Advent with your kiddos? What's your favorite activity to do with them?

Speaking of activity, little Avin likes to use me as a jungle gym lately. Isn't it funny that once you get down to their level with the littles, you are a magnet to them! I love it... But really wish we had carpet! Ha!

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