Monday, September 1, 2014

New Season, New Goals, New Rhythms

Nothing makes me happier than when a month with even numbers of days begins on a Monday!

Seriously, I may be OCD, or whatever but that is just so stinkin' cool to me! The icing on the cake was our new launch of Scentsy & Velata fall & winter products! It was EXCITING to see all the buzz... this season is going to be incredible!

As I'm sure you've read before, I am NOT a Monday starter kind of a person. I had switched to being a Thursday starter but that obviously wasn't working.

Really, nothing was working. Lately, I have felt so... well... blah. I felt overwhelmed with everything in life. Being behind on all my daily, weekly and monthly to dos. I felt like I wasn't the kind of mom and wife, friend, daughter or sister, I wanted to be. I felt super unhealthy and quite frankly unlovable.

In all honesty, I had a real breakdown last night. Lying in bed next to my groom, I shared all my doubts, fears, failures.... in tears I was very vulnerable. Nothing in the world is sweeter than the person you love most on this planet turn to you and say.... "Babe, whatever is going on, I'll be right here with you through it all. There is nothing we can't do without Jesus and each other."

After praying together, I went to bed with a renewed sense of life.

So today, after seeing a couple of friends September goals, that's what I want to share too.

Intentional Quiet Time with The Lord (every Morning!) <--- That means I need to get up when everyone else is still sleeping. *cheer - YOU CAN DO IT!*
Send my husband off to work well... shake, coffee, kiss
Meal plan & eat at home the whole month (only exception is while traveling or date nights)
Date each of my daughters (1 on 1 time with each)
Two date nights with my husband
Set up budget and stick to it! (So hard but much needed! Dave Ramsey, you & I have a date!)
No junk food + drink more water (I'm 5 days in and feeling better)
30 Day Challenge (see below)
Find a rhythm in the every day (homeschool, housework, business)
Finish the basement
Be more of a YES mom
Makeover one room in our home

3000 PRV minimum
Share the Scentsy/Velata opportunity with 3 people
Spend more time on the phone or coffee dates with my frontline (set up a chats so we can help hold each other accountable, set goals and dream bigger together)
send out more Happy Mail
Plan my whole fall + winter (set my map for the incentive trip & plan all meetings and get togethers)
225,000 GWV
Read more!

Today was a good day. I feel like I've got a good start & some of these things are family goals. I have found that it's so important to share your goals with others, write them down, and be accountable to keep them. Sometimes things may not go exactly as planned, but as long as you are striving to reach your goals, you're doing great! I'm grateful I have a family and friends who will work hard with me and hold me to my goals. 

I'm hitting the pillow tonight refreshed, ready.... and sore.

Day one DONE!

Want to join the challenge with me? 

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