Sunday, December 29, 2013

Starting out... And over

Today's sermon at Sovereign Hope was exactly what I needed to hear today. I can't quit smiling!
I've been dreaming and scheming, planning and praying for a simple, full life lived well for the New Year. It's been a while (way too long to be very honest) since I've really felt motivated to do much. Much work. Much reading. Much blogging. Much care giving. Much of anything. 

I'm sure you've noticed my absence from the blog, Facebook and even from returning calls, emails and texts. I'm sorry for that. I really have no excuse. I've been in full relaxation mode... Gaining clarity and peace for the last days of this year. 

I can't even describe to you how excited I am for 2014. Not that the year changing by a digit really means a whole lot other than a new season. I'm going to live well. Live right. Love right. I know this because I've never been so convicted about something before as I am now. 

And I'm obeying. 

I'm running back to The Lord to show me exactly how to be a better person.... a better Christian, wife, mom... And how to be a better homemaker. (Anything will be better than what I was!)

Back to why I'm writing this post... I'm starting a new Bible reading plan tomorrow morning. I've never been consistently in Gods Word and I know that it is so foundational for my faith. The Word is rich. And I'm ready for it to dwell within me... So I can live life on purpose. 

That's where you come in. Because I struggle with consistency, I need you to help hold me accountable to my study. Every day, I'm going to post what I read. If you'd like, we can dive deep in His Word together. I'm using the Discipleship Journal - Book at a Time Bible Reading Plan. You can find the plan at 

Do you actively read Scripture? Do you use a plan? If so, which one?

So excited to share more of everything that's been going on in this blond (but not as blond as I used to be) head!!!!

Thanks for always checking in on me and following along my little journey. I'm blessed to have you as a reader. 2014 is going to be amazing!!!!


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Under the Weather-cakes

Today this little cakes was under the weather. Last night she got sick for the very first time... Like projectile sick. 

So today, we snuggled. All day. This is how we spent over 12 hours of our day. 

As much as I want her to feel better. I'm enjoying these fleeting moments of snuggles. 

And I have to say that she has 2 of the best big sisters any little girl could ask for. They do their best, every day, but especially on her firs real sick day, to be present with her... Helpful, playful and loving. My bigs teach me so much. 

Blurry photo... But I never want to forget that moment. 

I've been in a writing slump lately...  Is it obvious? I have so much to say but just need the motivation to sit down and type it all out. I'll be back regularly soon. Prayerfully real soon. 

Until then, I'll be washing sheets, blankets and bathing a wee one many times in the day. I don't mind. At all.  


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Relaxing Realizations

I guess it's been a couple of days since I've written here. Honestly, I have been in 100% relaxation mode!

We have been on a mini 'working' vacation... I say working because Joel had to travel for work this week and the girls and I just jumped in the car and went along for the fun. That is exactly what we were having... FUN! We even built a fort!

We spent the afternoon at our friend Kay's house to craft on Wednesday. See the goodies we made? The girls love spending time with 'Mama Kay' as they get to craft a little something every time.

The rest of the time, the girls and I pretty much have just hung out at the hotel. We got a suite this time so having the extra room proved very beneficial for a certain little one year old to take her 2 daily naps.

I dove into an incredible book yesterday and am almost finished today! Sparkly Green Earrings by Melanie Shankle is hilariously funny one moment and will bring a little quiet tear the next. Such a good read that I even skipped out on the nightly swimming session with family because I just couldn't put it down. (Truth be told, I had to force myself to write tonight because all I want to do is finish that book!)

It's amazing at how much a person can do when they are absent from the distractions of our every day life! I'm blown away at the girls and their ability to sit down and not only finish their school work in a very short amount of time, but really excel at it. They have finished their daily work in approximately 2 hours each day as opposed to the 5-6 hours it takes at home. The same amount of work, same difficulty... but I'm fairly positive there was a lack of "Alyn, please load the dishwasher. Arly, the dog needs fed. Can you watch Avin real quick while I switch laundry." And so many 'so ons' that I'm sure come out of my mouth almost every minute.

This week also brought on some deep conviction and evaluation of my life and heart. I am praying, planning and preparing for a new year that will be full of growth and action in a simplified way. I'm looking forward to a face lift... in all areas of my life. (Yeah, that kind of seems cliche typing it - but I'm ready to raise my standards for myself.) (I actually don't really need a face lift... but something else could be lifted.) (Did I just say that?!) (One more week of weaning and we are finished... CHEER & TEAR!)


Monday, December 16, 2013

Homeschool (Freedom to Travel)

There are so many reasons that we decided to educate our girls ourselves, but I want to start sharing and documenting a few of those reasons here. 

Every day I see benefits of schooling the girls. Sibling bonding, growth in faith, freedom from other peoples schedules, more challenging work in a style that best fits each child, pajama days and so on. 

Don't get me wrong, we have days that we all need a mental break, physical break and more often than not, this mama needs a time out because of bad behavior and anger management. 

But today I want to share one specific reason that we homeschool. (I'll touch on a lot of them as the year goes on!)


When Arly was in first grade, we had planned a trip to go back home to South Dakota for our little summer vacation the middle of June. Joel had taken the time off of work and we had planned this little trip for quite a while. When I told the school that she would miss the last 2 days of school for the year, they told me what an inservice I was doing to my 6 year old. All I could think was 'aren't you just doing field trips and parties anyway?'

When I had to sign permission slips so we could go be with our family, that really didn't sit well with me. 

One thing I love about homeschooling is the freedom to travel where and when we want or need. 

In the past 3 weeks, we were able to go back to South Dakota and see our new niece and just snuggle her for almost a week! We were able to go to 3 different family Thanksgivings and see so many people we love without worrying about our schedule or homework, or the thought of 'did I call the school?'

We had the opportunity to use those 12 days on the road, spending time with family and even celebrating a little ones first birthday with no stress because we had already did our schoolwork before we left Montana. 

Now this week we are schooling from the hotel room (and maybe by the pool!) while we are on the road with Joel. 
(My view from where I sit at this very moment)

Joel and I both love the fact that when we has to travel for work, the girls and I can usually just jump in the car with him and hit the road... Especially on his week long trips. We love to be together as a family and having this freedoms suits is well! 

Do you homeschool? What kind of travel freedom have you enjoyed lately?


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Gallery Wall Alyn Style

After many months of little miss Alyn searching, shopping and creating sweet pieces of art and frames, her patience paid off. We finally felt it was time to put some holes in the wall and showcase all these beauties. 

I've never created a gallery wall but I think this really shows Alyn's personality. I will say that it was a bit more difficult to execute than I had originally expected. Shhh don't tell Joel that there MIGHT be a few extra holes in the wall. <--- yes I know you're reading this babe. I'll fill them in some day. Wink. 

I do want to share a little trick I learned a few years ago that is worth sharing. 

You know when you have the shelf or the frame that has TWO holes that you're just some how suppose to miraculously get nails in the wall at the same height to be level and the exact distant apart to even hold the item in place?! Yeah... Ugh... I think so too! 

You'll love this! Ready?
There are those pesky holes. 
Grab some painters tape and place it all along the back so that the very corner points where you rip the tape is exactly where you need the holes for the nails. (I hope this makes sense!)
Now take the tape and put it on the wall where you want your hanging to be placed. (Make sure you hold your piece up to make sure the placement is just right where you want it)
Grab your level and double check that the tape is level. If not, simply line the tape up to the level... You don't want a crooked shelf or hanging right?!
Hammer the nails in at the very points of your tape. 
Pull the tape off the wall. 
Put your hanging up!!! It should be level and exactly where you want it... On the first try! 

I hope that helps you decorating your home as much as it has helped me. 


Friday, December 13, 2013

In... but not of

I'm realizing that in this season of being absent from social media, I have been spending a lot of time planning and reevaluating everything I do. Questioning what I'm doing and what is worth doing... is it adding value to my life or the lives of others. I'm loving this fast (even though I know my family and some friends are struggling with me not being on facebook right now - I heard a bit about that while we were home and surrounded by family the past couple of weeks)

Taking a 6 week break from comparing myself with others, getting locked in conversations that have nothing to do with me, and getting lost in a mound of photos of people I hardly know has really helped me refocus on myself, my faith and my family. 

With that being said, I do feel like I'm ready to go back to Instagram. I have noticed that I don't take nearly enough photos of my family and our every day moments that I want to remember forever without it. (Seems silly that I'll only remember taking the photos if I have a place to post them but for some reason, it just works that way)

So as of tonight, I'm back on Instagram. (Don't worry Grandma, I'll have them linked right to Facebook!) Not to get sucked in, but to use it as a tool. Oh I will have rules for myself that I will stay disciplined to follow but I'm excited to be back 'in the world.' 

That's one thing that I have realized... that the world is there. Here on the web.  I need to be a part of it. But only to add value to others, to glorify God and not devalue my little world. I will not allow myself to be consumed by it. 

The Word of God in the New Testament encourages us to continue our relationships with the world around us, but to be careful to live in a way that pleases God, not the culture:
1 John 2:15
Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

That's why I had to fast... Not just because I thought I needed a break, but because I was consumed with discontent of worldly things, ideas, and perfection. 
It was a slap in the face that I needed to back off, pray and fast so that I could refocus on my relationships: with God and my family. 

If I were to post right now, it would be of these two beautiful young ladies. Tonight they had their piano recital and both did an amazing job, even though they were both overly nervous. 

Since starting my social media fast, I have spent way more time with these girls. I've learned so much about them because I am intentional about listening to them. Really listening. I feel like I missed out on them because I was 'too busy.' All of the 'just a seconds' took over and that caused me to miss many minutes, hours and even seasons in their lives.

This brings me to one of my main rules.... you must not lose time with your girls. They are more precious than any 'like', 'follow' or 'tag' you'll ever receive. Do not get distracted and lose your focus on those beautiful brown eyes. They need you to be a focused, intentional, right now mama. God is working on my heart right now. I can feel it. I'm so excited to see what this next chapter holds for us. 


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Advent DIY completed!

We finally for our Advent calendar up on display for the year. Because we were traveling the first 9 days of December, I'm feeling pretty good that I'm only two days behind schedule. (wink!)

I've told you before but I've never put together an Advent for the girls before so I was bound and determined to make, fill and do one this year. We WILL make memories... Or else!

This idea, almost cut and paste, came from Elsie's blog. Even the paper is designed by her and her beautiful sister Emma. 

*fun side fact: 4 1/2 years ago, I flew down to Springfield Missouri and met a group of blogging crafters in real life. It was so fun to get to know Elsie a little better for that week we were there. She has a crazy talented husband, Jeremy who put on a little intimate piano concert for us and we crafted and snacked our nights away at Elsie's loft. It was so intimidating meeting strangers all by myself, but I'll never forget that experience and the friendships we made. If you don't already, you should totally follow sweet Elsie's blog to see all of the DIYs that the ABM team come up with. Even ALL of my photo editing and collages come A Beautiful Mess App! Try it, you'll love it!

Whoa! Rabbit trail!

Anyway. Each day has an activity for the girls to do. These range anywhere from making gingerbread houses to skiing, to making Christmas crafts (I'll show you those as they come up) and random acts of kindness. With traveling over 2 full weeks this month, I had to really plan ahead and write down activities I knew we could do on the road or in the hotel. Sponsoring a kiddo from an Angel Tree, paying it forward to the car behind in a drive thru, and mail a Christmas package to Troops overseas made the list. 

The first thing we do each morning is open the envelope for today's date and read the bible scripture that is on the little strip of Kraft paper. 

I used Good Morning Girls Advent plan for our daily readings. We read it together and then talk about the verses. This is one of my favorite parts of our day. 

Do you Advent with your kiddos? What's your favorite activity to do with them?

Speaking of activity, little Avin likes to use me as a jungle gym lately. Isn't it funny that once you get down to their level with the littles, you are a magnet to them! I love it... But really wish we had carpet! Ha!

Monday, December 9, 2013

My Book List for 2013

 I love to grab a book while I drink my tea (or coffee!) during the moments in the day when I don't have a baby tugging at my shirt or helping girls with schoolwork. I also enjoy reading a good book soaking in a bubble bath over a glass of wine and nature music. (Doesn't every woman?!)

I made a goal this summer to really make it a point to read more. There is just something so relaxing and empowering when you flip through pages of a story.

I don't really read many fiction novels - since The Hunger Games trilogy and the Narnia series anyway. 

I tend to lean more toward leadership and Christian living books. This year I have enjoyed the following books:

Mended by Angie Smith
7 by Jen Hatmaker
Desiring God by John Piper
Believing God by Beth Moore 
Altar Ego by Craig Groeschel

Eat That frog by Brian Tracy
The Servant by James C Hunter
Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson

And I'm currently in the middle of:

Tribes by Seth Godin
Women Living Well by Courtney Joseph  

And I just purchased Sparkly Green Earrings by Melanie Shankle

I would like to widen my library and am open to any suggestions that you might have for me.

What's your favorite book? What is on your reading wish list?


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Avin!

Happiest Birthday to our sweet little Bear, Avinantor, Nator, Avi, Cakes, Widdle Baby, Avicakers, A!!!!

I can hardly believe it's been a year since the moment we met you. We prayed and prayed for a healthy baby and The Lord gave us so much more. 

You are such a sweet, content little one who is full of adventure. I'm still in awe at how early you learned to walk that you are almost a pro already. Now if we could just get the stairs down you'll be golden. 

You have taught us all so much about life this past year. I know that I'm a better mama to all of you girls now because of you. You continue to teach me to be less selfish. You have taught me patience and how to love more. (Now how in the world will we ever get you weaned?!)

 Your big sissies adore you and are so helpful every single moment. You really do have 3 mamas. You can almost say 'Arly' and you love Alyn's glasses. They can both make you really laugh. 

You are a daddy's girl. When you see him that is all you will say 'dada dada dada!' You sometimes tease him with kisses but it never fails that when he is in your sight, you run to him with arms wide open. It's a beautiful thing. 

You are such a blessing. While worshipping at home or church, you sing to Jesus with your sweet loud voice with hands lifted high. I pray that you wil love Him forever. 

We celebrated your birthday at WaTiki Warter Park with our closest family that could be there. 

Little Bear, you are so loved. Thank you for your smiles. For your mischievous looks. For your big kisses and little clapping hands. 

Happy Birthday love. 


Friday, December 6, 2013

Party Prep

It's a last minute crafting DIY paradise in room 207 tonight. 

Our sweet little Bear is turning one tomorrow and we are partying to celebrate. 

It didn't even reach above zero temperature today so I'm so happy we chose the water park to help our little girl party like a mermaid (not really... But close.)

Snapshots from our DIY party. 
Daddy and cousin Kaci made the tissue pom-poms. Grama Mama covered some dowels with decorative tape. Sweet big sissy Arly, made a paper chain. Auntie Jackie was the scissors and glitter queen. Kit and I supervised well... Wink.
(I couldn't resist showing off these sweet chubby legs.... I could just nibble them!)

Party photos tomorrow. 


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Cozy Cruise Down a Sparkling Memory Lane

Joel and I took our girls for a little cruise around our old stompin' grounds tonight.

I finally finished up their Advent Calendar (only 5 days late!) this morning  - - hard to do when you're on the road - - and tonight I knew that we had some free time and it would be the perfect opportunity to cruise around town looking at Christmas lights.

Right after we finished our Chinese delivery dinner... (heck yes, delivery because it was -11 degrees when we ordered dinner - - BURR!), we bundled up and heated up our new ride. (Have I told you that we got a new vehicle about 12 hours before we left MT!!? and we LOVE IT!)

Anyhoo, we bundled up, grabbed some hot caramel steamers to go, and made our way through West Boulevard. I will say that Joel and I were highly disappointed with the lack of Christmas lights up. It's been many years since I had been up there but when we were little, that street would GLOW like Clark Griswold's house. It was such a big thing for me to do while in Rapid City, that I absolutely wanted to take the girls up there to see the beautiful sight. But tonight just wasn't the night. Maybe 5 houses had lights up. So sad.

But our adventure didn't stop there. We drove up some big hill streets and saw some beautiful homes with lights. Then we drove past the hospital and showed the girls where they were born. Since we were on the right side of town, we did a drive by of our two homes in the city.

Oh my.... The house on Ivy brought back memories of Joel and I first learning about each other and living together for the first time. Many nights partying there. Many nights just snuggling on the couch getting to know each other. Many nights of tears there too when we experienced our first pregnancy as a loss. We parked out front and shared so many memories with the girls. It was surreal.

Then the apartments just down the street. That was Arly's first home. All the way until she was 16 months old before we moved across the state. I'll never forget climbing up the three flights of stairs with a baby and then sweet toddler while carrying groceries. She had her many firsts in that apartment and that is where we started our family. Two bedrooms, barely enough room for a dining table, and community laundry. Ah memories.

I loved tonight. I wish I had some photos to share with you but my phone battery was sucked dry. Which is nice to be unplugged and have the chance relax but not having photos to remember this memory really stinks.

That brings me to another point. So you know that I have been fasting from social media since October. I have found that because I'm not on Instagram, I'm not taking nearly as many photos of the girls or just documenting our every day moments.

I actually had a few of my favorite people (grandma, sister, aunties!) question me about my social media fast this past week and kind of beg me to come back... just for the photos of the girls.  I totally understand where they are coming from but I'm not ready to come back to Facebook at all yet. But I do want our family and friends to have photos of us. And I do want a reason to remember to take the photos throughout the day. But I'm struggling how I'm going to make that happen or whether I'm ready to go back at all. I've enjoyed the break. A lot.

Instagram would be the place I would return first. Honestly, it's what I miss the most. Just photos. I could even link it to my Facebook feed for those who aren't on IG.


Decisions, decisions. Lots of prayer and rules will be needed.

One more note:
Saturday is Avin's 1st birthday and we did a little shopping at downtown's square. Look how much fun the little Bear was having. Time to prepare for the party!


Tuesday, December 3, 2013


To the place that has held me bondage for so many years.

To what caused 90% of the arguments with my husband.

To feeling discontent with my life and feeling like I had to have more.

To the pits in my stomach because I couldn't believe what I had done... and kept doing... over and over.

To the tears. The fear of  'will we ever dig ourselves out?'

I am so happy to tell you that after 12 years of having credit card debt... tens of thousands.... we are CREDIT CARD DEBT FREE! We paid off our last remaining credit card debts on Thanksgiving!

I am so thankful for our growing and successful Scentsy business that has given us the opportunity to make an income that I still am trying to wrap my head around. I am also thankful for our church and their Financial Peace University class by Dave Ramsey. What an amazing class that lays everything out for you in a very tangible way.

I also want to note that PLANNING played a big part of finally saying goodbye to those nasty monthly payments. It was finally when we really made the CHOICE that we desired to be free is when the snowball started rolling.

So this is where I am today.... Happy. Thankful. Feeling overwhelmingly blessed. God is so good. All the time.

Remind me to tell you soon about the whole credit card debt story... oh boy, there is lots to tell :)


Back in the world, but not of the world

I'm realizing that in this season of being absent from social media, I have been spending a lot of time planning and reevaluating everything I do. Questioning what I'm doing and what is worth doing... is it adding value to my life or the lives of others. I'm loving this fast (even though I know my family and some friends are struggling with me not being on facebook right now - I heard a bit about that while we were home and surrounded by family the past couple of weeks)

Taking a 6 week break from comparing myself with others, getting locked in conversations that have nothing to do with me, and getting lost in a mound of photos of people I hardly know has really helped me refocus on myself, my faith and my family. 

With that being said, I do feel like I'm ready to go back to Instagram. I have noticed that I don't take nearly enough photos of my family and our every day moments that I want to remember forever without it. (Seems silly that I'll only remember taking the photos if I have a place to post them but for some reason, it just works that way)

So as of tonight, I'm back on Instagram. (Don't worry Grandma, I'll have them linked right to Facebook!) Not to get sucked in, but to use it as a tool. Oh I will have rules for myself that I will stay disciplined to follow but I'm excited to be back 'in the world.' 

That's one thing that I have realized... that the world is there. Here on the web.  I need to be a part of it. But only to add value to others, to glorify God and not devalue my little world. I will not allow myself to be consumed by it. 

The Word of God in the New Testament encourages us to continue our relationships with the world around us, but to be careful to live in a way that pleases God, not the culture:

1 John 2:15
Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

That's why I had to fast... Not just because I thought I needed a break, but because I was consumed with discontent of worldly things, ideas, and perfection. 
It was a slap in the face that I needed to back off, pray and fast so that I could refocus on my relationships: with God and my family. 

If I were to post right now, it would be of these two beautiful young ladies. Tonight they had their piano recital and both did an amazing job, even though they were both overly nervous. 

Since starting my social media fast, I have spent way more time with these girls. I've learned so much about them because I am intentional about listening to them. Really listening. I feel like I missed out on them because I was 'too busy.' All of the 'just a seconds' took over and that caused me to miss many minutes, hours and even seasons in their lives.

This brings me to one of my main rules.... you must not lose time with your girls. They are more precious than any 'like', 'follow' or 'tag' you'll ever receive. Do not get distracted and lose your focus on those beautiful brown eyes. They need you to be a focused, intentional, right now mama. God is working on my heart right now. I can feel it. I'm so excited to see what this next chapter holds for us. 


Friday, November 29, 2013


Its the name of the home team. Rapid City Rush hockey games have become a little family tradition for the Montana Sprys. Whenever we come back to our 'mother land,' we indulge in a little time by the rink and acting like houlagins like the rest of the 5000 people there. 
Avin fit right in this year. 
(My goodness, we have a beautiful little LADY on our hands!.... Being her mama really melts my heart)
It was a fun night. Just us. And noisy. And rowdy. We won!


Happy Thanksgiving

Today was AMAZING!!!!

Joel and I have been looking forward of coming home to see our family for a few weeks and we knew we wanted to just be intentional with soaking in the family bonding while we were here. 

Today we woke up fairly early and seriously just lounged around, laughing and snuggling up on our newest little niece.
We used to run around to every store while we were back home (which never really made sense because we have almost every store in MT as they do here in SD!) but not this trip. It's all about the relationships this time. 

We enjoyed a late lunch/early dinner Thanksgiving spread. My mother in law and sister in law know how to cook! It was all so delicious!

Joel and I made a new appetizer that was super yum too. I'll share the recipe soon!

Tonight I went on a little adventure with 3 in laws to do some Black Friday shopping. I just wanted to go for the experience and only wanted to snag one item knowing that it would be gone before I even got to the store (Dr Dre Beats!). We went to the Walmart closest to us and it was like a ghost town. No adventure there. But I did purchase some razors (even though it's freezing here my husbands deserves to see and feel better legs than this!) and a Mooshka tot (cutest soft baby dolls I've ever seen!) for the little Bear. 

Next we hit up Target. That was a little busier but I didn't make it past the baby section. You see we left MT with no sippy cups or a travel high chair, two things an almost one year old absolutely needs! Once I was in the baby section, I was sucked in drooling over the selection of newborn baby girl clothes. Let's just say that little miss Ava Joy may have gotten a little spoiled from Auntie Jari tonight. 

So my Black Friday shopping experience seemed so much more like a regular trip to the store. Not sure I'll ever do that again. But I do have to say the company was perfect. I'm so happy the 4 of us went as we got a chance to have some good laughs together. 

I have something VERY.VERY.VERY exciting to share with you oh so soon!!! Joel and I have conquered something monumental for us!!!!!

Until tomorrow.... I'll be taking more photos! I've noticed since not being on Instagram, which is so hard some days, I haven't been taking as many photos. Boo. I need to get better.

Happy Thanksgiving. There is so much to give The Lord glory and thanksgiving for. So blessed. 
